For technical questions or comments, reseller or bulk purchase inquiries, or general information, please send an email to
Please use for questions concerning orders such as shipping method/time/cost, stock and order status, and pricing.
We take Paypal and major credit cards! Clicking on the cart buttons will add items to your Paypal shopping cart. When viewing the shopping cart pressing the "Continue Shopping" button will take you to our main products page, or you can use the back button in your browser to go back to the page you were viewing. When you're ready to submit your order all you have to do is enter your email and Paypal password (or credit card info).

If you've never used paypal before click on the link above and sign up! It doesn't cost anything and there are no tricks to it. It's simply a payment tool designed to make credit card transactions fast and easy by using your email address as identification.
Please note that if you use an unconfirmed shipping address, there may be a delay in the processing of your order, as we'll likely need to contact you via phone for verification before shipping.
If you don't have a Paypal account and don't want to make one that's fine - you can just enter your credit card info when you checkout. When you click on "Checkout" you will see a button that says "Don't have a Paypal account?". Click on it and you will be able to enter your credit card info on Paypal's secure server.
Mail Orders
If you wish to pay with a check or money order we can accept your order the old fashioned way. We ask that you use the online cart to assemble your order list, then copy and paste the list into an email to Please type the complete shipping address into the email as well (this is the address we will use when shipping your order). When we receive your email we will confirm the total, provide a mailing address, and check to make sure there won't be any stock issues when your order/payment arrives. You should also print out a copy of your shopping cart to be mailed with your payment.
We charge a flat $4.95 shipping and handling charge for any size order in the US. Depending on size and content orders will either ship USPS First Class, USPS Parcel Select Ground, or USPS Priority. Orders over $75 always ship Priority. Orders under $75 that weigh over 15 oz. will likely ship Parcel Select Ground. Most orders ship in 0-2 business days. Although there's no guarantee, we tend to ship almost every week day and can usually get domestic orders to their destination within 5 business days of ordering. If you need something in a hurry please let us know and we'll try and get it out faster.
If you place a small order and notice that the postage cost was less than $4.95 please don't be upset with us - it takes time and materials to handle orders, and on the bright side if you place a larger order there is a good chance we will have to subsidize the shipping costs by a fair margin. Overall our shipping costs average very close to $5 per order.
We can use your fedex or UPS account to ship but it will likely take extra time to make those arrangements. Consequently, we will generally only arrange this for larger orders.
International Shipping
We're proud to say that we have customers in 34 different countries. We're happy to ship internationally but you need to contact us first ( listing your location and the items you want. We'll tell you if you need to pay more for international shipping. We process international orders every day and have become experts at getting things shipped around the world quickly and cheaply. Not asking us about international shipping rates could cause your order unecessary delay.
In many cases due to an item's small size and weight we can ship internationally for no additional cost. Check the "Shipping and Packaging" tab of the item's product page to see if you can order them item without having to contact us for a shipping quote.
Sales Tax
Unfortunetely, we do have to charge sales tax if your order is shipping to Illinois. Our rate is 9% and will be applied to the entire order including shipping. If you are using the materials for resale we do not have to collect sales tax, but we need you to send us a CRT-61 (available here) to keep on file. If you find any of this as irritating as we do, we encourage you to support proponents of free market ideas during your next election cycle.
Large orders / Resellers
We're always looking for resellers for our products! If you're interested in ordering in large quantity and/or in reselling our products please contact us ( for information.
School orders / Purchase Order Requests
We are happy to work with you in arranging purchases for your school. If your school can only process purchase orders and you want the order to arrive ahead of payment, there will be an $8 service charge, and we will ask that the PO be submitted on official letterhead with the name of the payer clearly listed. To avoid this, you may simply send payment by check along with your order, or use a credit card or PayPal account to pay online. If you are interested in ordering for your school either by check or PO, please contact us first ( for more information. Please note we are unable to offer educational discounts.
Having trouble with a product that you purchased here? We don't list warrantees for our products because we'll always be willing to help you out. If you're dissatisfied in any way just send us an email and we'll try to solve your problem. We're not enjoying ourselves if you're unhappy.