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1 for $39.95
2 for $74.95
4 for $129.95

This ratcheting crimping tool makes nice crimps and is very comfortable on the hands.
1 for $14.95 - OUT OF STOCK!!
3 for $37.95 - OUT OF STOCK!!

This low cost crimping tool will get you started making your own connectors.
1 for $5.95 - OUT OF STOCK!!
3 for $15.49 - OUT OF STOCK!!

Use this tool to clip your leads flush after soldering.
1 for $9.95
3 for $24.95

A wire stripper that ranges down to 10AWG for those thick power wires.
1 for $9.95
3 for $24.95

Our favorite wire stripping tool. Perfect for making servo leads.